Safety Patrols are chosen based on responsibility, leadership, and good citizenship. Patrols must perform duties faithfully and set a good example for others. Patrols are expected to obey teachers, officers of the patrol, strive to earn the respect of fellow students and maintain a good academic standing. These characteristics are very important; therefore they will be monitored to ensure the safety of Crabbe scholars. Patrols are required to report for duty at 7:10 a.m. every morning (7:05 if eating breakfast at school) and be available to stay until 3:10 p.m. Students who ride buses are still eligible for patrol membership through special arrangements made with the sponsors.
Demerit System is discussed with parents and scholars. Any questions please contact Ms. Steffanie Forrest and Ms. Lisa Smith.
As a member of safety patrol you are held to a high standard of behavior. An out of school suspension will result in dismissal from safety patrol. In addition, if any other severe misbehavior arises you may be permanently removed from safety patrol regardless of remaining points. Severe misbehavior will be the determination of the sponsors and the principal. If a situation like this is to occur, Principal Tolbert and the patrol sponsors will meet with your parents to inform them of your removal from safety patrol. Once removed, there is no possibility of returning as a Crabbe Safety Patrol. **Once payment for the Washington D.C. trip has been made to the Ashland School Safety Patrol Inc., NO REFUNDS will be issued for students dismissed from safety patrol for behavior related issues.